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Strength for Life

CECs 10 CECs
Course Price $250.00
Prerequisites Gym InstructorGroup Exercise Instructor
Approval Code 04614FA
Course Type Face to face
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Functional Training
  • Activity / Training Technique Group Strength & Conditioning
  • Population Older Adults

Locations & Dates

  • Date 31/05/2020 - 31/05/2021
    Availability Bookings Open
    Address Day 1- Exercise for Life Bedford, Walter Road, BEDFORD

Additional Information

Living Longer Living Stronger 2-Day Instructor Training Course


COUNCIL ON THE AGEING WESTERN AUSTRALIA Working towards a society in which older people can flourish. Council on the Ageing WA is the peak body for older people in Western Australia. We provide a range of services and programs to help older people and their families across Western Australia. Our aim is to provide information in an easy to find and convenient format. COTA WA provide research and guidance for agencies and organisations across Western Australia - and collaborate to provide programs to improve the lives of older people. We currently run programs in the areas of: Strength for Life Aged Care Navigator Services Seniors week awards and grants