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Foundations of Health and Wellness Coaching (Level 1)

Course Price $370.00
Self-Study online video program
Approval Code 04636FA
Course Type Online
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Health Behaviour Coaching
  • Activity / Training Technique Health Promotion
  • Activity / Training Technique Mental Health & Wellbeing

Locations & Dates

  • Start Date 1/01/2023
    Availability Bookings Open
    Price 370.00
    Address Online

Additional Information

Foundations of Health and Wellness Coaching (Level 1) - Online. Wellness Coaching combines theory from Coaching Psychology - Behaviour Change and Positive Psychology - where when put into practise with your clients - you can help them to overcome resistance to change by using a step by step - structured approach. Wellness coaches support clients in working out what they want - why they want it - what’s stopping them and only then together create a plan for action! In this foundation level course you will discover all the theories behind the Health and Wellness Coaching model and the fundamentals behind the practical aspects of coaching skills. You will come away with a better understanding of how to incorporate coaching into your work and also have completed the foundation training for our professional Wellness Coach training pathway.

Wellness Coaching Australia

Wellness Coaching Australia was the first Health and Wellness Coach Training School established in Australia. Founded in 2006 by Fiona Cosgrove, she recognised the need for a new approach to working with clients in the area of health change. Using Coaching as the method of delivery, Fiona set about developing training for this very new and emerging health field for people who shared the same passion for helping others to improve the quality of their lives.

Fast forward to 2024, Wellness Coaching Australia has trained more than 6200 students across, Australia, New Zealand and overseas through our range of accredited qualification courses, workshops and online skill building programs enabling them to take on Health and Wellness Coaching with confidence and coach others to achieve lasting changes in their lifestyle.