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Social Media for PTs: Instagram Essentials

CECs 11 CECs
Course Price $597.00
22CECs when combined with 'Facebook Essentials' - currently on special
Prerequisites Personal TrainerGroup Exercise Instructor
Approval Code 04712FA
Course Type Online
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Business Development

Additional Information

[ If you're a Personal Trainer and you're winging it on Social Media... sooner or later you're going to be out of the industry ] You know it too… You probably see “Trainers” that aren’t half the Trainer you are BUT they have more clients than you and are more successful than you… Just because they know a few tricks on social media… You could sit back and rubbish them… But to be honest you’d be just like the out of shape client who doesn’t do anything to get in shape and then bags out everyone else who is actually trying… OR You could do something about it… “Social Media Essentials for Personal Trainers”: The Social Media basics that every PT NEEDS if they want to stay in the industry! It’s designed specifically for the Personal Trainer who wants to be able to compete without having to do a Degree in Marketing… Or without having to become a computer scientist… or without having to waste of hours of their time fiddling with on there with no return… … PS: as a bonus – complete this course and you’ll also get 23CECs towards you professional development! Course is currently on special - contact us for coupon code! Sales Representative: Loren Phone: 0458 988 448 Email: [email protected] Website:

Fitness Education Online

At Fitness Education Online our aim is to provide the highest quality Fitness Australia Continuing Education Courses (CEC) to help further develop all participants’ skills - knowledge and abilities. We will provide you with the highest quality course work material and support to give you the skills required to build and run a successful fitness business.