The Bulgarian Bag Is Extremely Versatile & Can Be Pulled - Pressed - Spun - Swung - Carried & Thrown In An Almost Limitless Number Of Ways Its Unique Design Allows It To To Be Swung In All Planes Of Motion At High Speed Which Develops Torque - Builds Explosive Power and Full Body Strength Our Bulgarian Bag Course Includes Over 220 Minutes Of High Quality Video On Demand - Includes Our Downloadable Learner Manual + Receive Support From Our Team Of Expert Coaches SPECIAL OFFER: RECEIVE A FREE BULGARIAN BAG + FREE SHIPPING! * You will be proficient in the fundamentals of Bulgarian bag training ensuring your clients achieve maximum results in minimal time. * You will learn the correct stance - posture - holding and gripping positions. * You will discover the various breathing patterns and the optimal breathing style for your training goals. * You will become proficient in sagittal plane - frontal plane and transverse plane exercises. * You will learn the correct progression and regression of every movement giving you the skills to successfully coach your clients with confidence. * You will know the biggest mistakes users make and the drills and cues to quickly fix them. * You will get access to our World Class e-Learning platform with 41+ Bulgarian bag exercises you can use in your fitness business instantly. No more dull workouts! Call Dan Clay on 0422 9036 963 for more info.