At Global Performance Testing Quality Assurance (GPTQA) we provide a Level 1 course and resource as professional development specifically in the areas of applied health and technology specific Sport Coaching, Physical Literacy, Allied Health and Data Analysis.
The course focuses on “The skills and knowledge required to understand the rationale and outcomes of field testing on people” and incorporates four modules that are fully online with an estimated completion time of 90-mins to 2-hours (the curriculum can be found here -
• Defining field testing
• Assessing a test environment
• Evaluating quality assurance
• Evaluating data and reliability
In today's society, technology is commonplace around fitness, performance and health tracking therefore best practice is now promoted by employers and technology manufacturers. GPTQA Level 1 provides an unbiased foundation for anyone needing to understand the purpose and skills required to ensure this service is provided ethically, efficiently and effectively focusing on validity, consistency and reliability. GPTQA is also becoming an accepted foundation in areas of Personal Training, Sport Coaching and PE Teaching. Further resources such as testing protocols are provided to all students of the course too.