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Unconventional Mobility

CECs 12 CECs
Prerequisites Personal Trainer
Approval Code 03316FA
Course Type Face to faceDistance
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Anatomy, Physiology & Biomechanics
  • Activity / Training Technique Injury Prevention | Rehabilitation Support

Additional Information

Mobility: Decode and optimize human movement. Identify postural and movement dysfunctions Rebuild functional movement using simple and powerful dynamic drills with bells - bands and body weight. Exponentially boost recovery and decrease injuries Break past movement limitations with effective and repeatable myofascial techniques and pnf stretches Increase your client base working with more client types Eliminate common pains and injuries Create raving fans Become a movement expert

Unconventional Training Academy

Delivering education in unconventional training methods available courses: mobility body weight power bands kettlebells 1&2 bulgarian bags integrated movement practitioner