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Pelvic Floor Fitness

Prerequisites Personal TrainerGym InstructorGroup Exercise InstructorGroup Exercise Leader (pre-choreographed program only)
Approval Code 05203FA
Course Type Online
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Pelvic Floor

Continence Foundation of Australia

The Continence Foundation of Australia is the national peak body promoting bladder and bowel health. It is the Foundation’s vision to have a community free of the stigma of incontinence. The Foundation provides information on funding - products as well as free resources for individuals - carers - and health professionals which can be found at the Continence Foundation’s website The National Continence Helpline is a free telephone advisory service - staffed by a team of nurse continence specialists who provide information to callers with bladder and/or bowel problems - which may include incontinence - constipation - failure of bladder to empty or who are caring for someone with such conditions. For health professionals wanting to know more about education and more specifically continence courses - please email directly to [email protected] .