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Bulgarian Bag Mastery

Course Price $197.00
Prerequisites Gym Instructor
Approval Code 05212FA
Course Type Face to faceOnline
Course Provider

Locations & Dates

  • Start Date 3/02/2023
    Availability Contact Provider
    Price 247.00

Additional Information

The Bulgarian Bag Is Extremely Versatile & Can Be Pulled - Pressed - Spun - Swung - Carried & Thrown In An Almost Limitless Number Of Ways Its Unique Design Allows It To To Be Swung In All Planes Of Motion At High Speed Which Develops Torque - Builds Explosive Power and Full Body Strength Our Bulgarian Bag Course Includes Over 220 Minutes Of High Quality Video On Demand - Includes Our Downloadable Learner Manual + Receive Support From Our Team Of Expert Coaches SPECIAL OFFER: RECEIVE A FREE BULGARIAN BAG + FREE SHIPPING! * You will be proficient in the fundamentals of Bulgarian bag training ensuring your clients achieve maximum results in minimal time. * You will learn the correct stance - posture - holding and gripping positions. * You will discover the various breathing patterns and the optimal breathing style for your training goals. * You will become proficient in sagittal plane - frontal plane and transverse plane exercises. * You will learn the correct progression and regression of every movement giving you the skills to successfully coach your clients with confidence. * You will know the biggest mistakes users make and the drills and cues to quickly fix them. * You will get access to our World Class e-Learning platform with 41+ Bulgarian bag exercises you can use in your fitness business instantly. No more dull workouts! Call Dan Clay on 0422 9036 963 for more info.

Dangerously Fit Academy

The Dangerously Fit Academy delivers World-Class functional strength education to personal trainers in Australia and around the World. All certifications are accredited with Fitness Australia (AUSREP) and recognised around the World by the International Confederation of Registers of Exercise Professionals (ICREPS). Our CEC Courses focus on 'unconventional strength training' methods that will separate you from your competition and make you the go-to fitness expert in your area. Dangerously Fit Kettlebell Certification workshops are available face to face and online.