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Learn and Teach Tai Chi 10-Form

Course Price $160.00
Prerequisites Personal TrainerGroup Exercise InstructorTai Chi Instructor
Approval Code 08210AA
Course Type Online
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Tai Chi

Additional Information

Yang Style Tai Chi 10-Form is an entry-level form that serves as an ideal starting point for individuals interested in exploring tai chi. This course is designed for those who plan to teach this form, but it's also excellent for enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of the movements for personal practice.
This course is suitable for tai chi instructors looking to refine their form, and exercise professionals who plan to (or already do) incorporate tai chi into their repertoire.
Participants will learn to accurately practise, demonstrate and teach Tai Chi 10-Form through detailed teaching videos, and through additional written and illustrated content.