Enable is a disability education and advocacy platform. Our primary goal is to educate about the importance of inclusion of people with a disability in all aspects of life - this includes in our fitness centres - creating both employment and recreation opportunities as well as social inclusion. We aim to create inclusive communities - places that are accessible where all people with or without a disability are included - respected and celebrated. If you are passionate about improving the health and well being for your community - this workshop will empower you with the skills and strategies to confidently deliver group exercise programs for people with intellectual disabilities. Everyone deserves the opportunity to exercise. What you will learn: Explain what an intellectual disability is - how its diagnosed - what it means to live with one - life experiences in regards to low expectations and options to take part in all aspects of life. Terminology: what to and what not to say - when it comes to the language of disability. How to deliver fitness programs for people with intellectual disability and ASD for both children and adults in reference to class size - helpers - carers - music volume - appropriate exercises - how to plan and have back up plans. Employment: how can we make our fitness centres more inclusive in respect to patrons and including staff with disabilities. Overview and explanation of ASD - dementia - cerebral palsy - neuro developmental disorders - hearing and sight impairments and others.