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Steel Mace Mastery Online

Course Price $197.00
Approval Code 04764FA
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Functional Training
  • Activity / Training Technique Strength & Conditioning

Additional Information

Discover Why Elite Athletes - Top MMA Fighters & Savvy Strength Coaches Are Training With A 2000-Year Old Weapon Of War To Develop Unrivalled Functional Strength STEEL MACE MASTERY CERTIFICATION - ONLINE LEVEL 1 MACEBELL COURSE Here's What You'll Learn During Your Steel Mace Certification

* You will master the fundamentals of mace training ensuring maximum results are achieved in minimal time.
* You will become proficient in the 360 - 10-to-2 - mills - bullwhips and much more.
* You will learn the progressions and regressions of each exercise so you can coach your clients safely and skilfully.
* You will discover the most common mistakes learners make and the cues and drills to fix them quickly.
* You will learn how to create fun - effective mace workouts that deliver results and keep your clients engaged and coming back for more.
* You will get immediate access to the membership area with over 43 mace exercises and great workouts you can implement into your training business right away. No more boring workouts!
* You will be accredited as a Steel Mace Instructor with Fitness Australia and recognised Worldwide by the International Confederation of Registers of Exercise Professionals (ICREPS).
* You will receive 4 CECs with Fitness Australia. If you would like to learn more about the Steel Mace - become a certified instructor with our Online Steel Mace Certification Course.

Dangerously Fit Academy

The Dangerously Fit Academy delivers World-Class functional strength education to personal trainers in Australia and around the World. All certifications are accredited with Fitness Australia (AUSREP) and recognised around the World by the International Confederation of Registers of Exercise Professionals (ICREPS). Our CEC Courses focus on 'unconventional strength training' methods that will separate you from your competition and make you the go-to fitness expert in your area. Dangerously Fit Kettlebell Certification workshops are available face to face and online.