Upgrade your expertise and stand out from the crowd by becoming the go-to specialist for postpartum mums with our Safe Return to Exercise - Running Edition Certification. This program covers everything you need to know about supporting postpartum clients - from understanding the anatomy of the female pelvis to the impact of pregnancy and childbirth. You'll learn key considerations for guiding postpartum mums through a safe and successful return to running. Build your confidence and support your mum-clients to re-build theirs too. Your improved knowledge will include: Anatomy affected in pregnancy - birth and running The importance of working with a Women's or Pelvic Health Physio in retuning your postnatal clients to running Specific return to running considerations including: healing times - pelvic floor - hormones - breastfeeding - c-section - sleep - breathing - weight - psychological status & abdominal separation Signs & symptoms to be aware of How to screen your client for return to running readiness Specific return to running testing Return to running-specific strength training exercise library Notes on technique - cadence - rotation & arm swing - heel strike - hip and pelvis control Red-S Common musculoskeletal injuries Rest & recovery PLUS your 12 week return to running specific program