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NDIS Essentials - Start Training NDIS Clients & Build Your Business

Course Price $299.00
Prerequisites Personal TrainerAqua Exercise InstructorGym InstructorGroup Exercise InstructorYoga InstructorFitness Pilates Instructor
Approval Code 08001AA
Course Type F2FOnline
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Business Development
  • Activity / Training Technique Student Mentoring
  • Population Disabilities

Additional Information

Hi, welcome to Power To Move. My name is Cass and welcome to NDIS Essentials. I have created this course because this is a topic that is close to my heart. My goal is to share my experience with working with clients on the NDIS over the last 5 years with anyone interested in following a similar path.

This is a great fundamental course. You are going to learn how you can increase your income with NDIS clients. Working in the fitness industry is a rewarding job, but sometimes getting and keeping clients can be tough. It’s a very competitive market and finding your unique point of difference can be challenging.

This course focusses on teaching you how NDIS clients, or training people with a Disability can be your unique point of difference

Power To Move essentially fell into working and training with NDIS clients. And it was a big learning curve from when we first began until now. And now that our business is thriving we want to share our knowledge to get you ready to start working with NDIS clients.

You are going to learn:

About the NDIS
Understand What The NDIS Is
Who An NDIS Client Is
Types Of Clients
Understanding The Roles Of Support Workers & Plan Managers
Navigating The NDIS Website
To Register Or Not Register As An NDIS Provider
Invoicing NDIS Clients
How To Earn $65,000 A Year With Only 10 Clients, Working Only 25 Hours A Week
One of the most amazing potential outcomes of this course is that you are going to be rewarded by teaching some of the most amazing clients you are ever going to meet. Working in the NDIS field and with people with disabilities is going to expand you as a trainer. You are going to learn to develop and grow these amazing individuals, getting them to move more, feel great, and live better lives.


We’re a fun - hard-working fitness community with an open and inclusive approach - because everyone’s journey is different.
We’ve now helped over 2000 clients, in Australia and overseas gain more movement and fitness to live happier - healthier lives.
Whether you’re young or old - a woman or man - coming back from injury - on the NDIS or with your own specific needs - a family with kids or a total beginner - or in the fitness industry, come and join our amazing community.

Leadership – We have the courage to help shape a better future for our clients.
Passion – We do what we love - leading with our heart and mind.
Integrity – We are real - honest and have a down to earth approach to our business.
Quality – What we do - we do well.
Diversity – We're an Inclusive community where everybody is welcome.
Education - We believe that the world is a better place when we share our knowledge to help others.