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Muscle Function and Screening of the Lumbar, Hip and Shoulder

Course Price $7.00
Prerequisites Personal Trainer
Approval Code 05306FA
Course Type Online
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Anatomy, Physiology & Biomechanics

Additional Information

ABOUT THE COURSE: As a Personal Trainer it is very important to screen and assess your clients - not only initially - but on a regular basis. This allows you to recognise dysfunctions or impairments - know when to refer them to a medical or allied health practitioner - and personalise their training. This course will explore common impairments associated with the lumbar spine - hip and shoulder girdle. It will describe how to identify these impairments as well as how to take them into account when programming exercises for your clients and ensuring safety. At the end of the course you will have not only an improved ability to screen and help your clients - but you will also have improved anatomy and physiology knowledge.

Australian Institute of Fitness

Established in 1987 - and now powered by the Australian Institute of Fitness (AIF) - Network is a fitness education subscription service that delivers online courses - information and inspiration to fitness professionals from Australia - New Zealand and around the world. With an unrivalled variety of courses - across areas from strength training and functional anatomy - to pregnancy and nutrition - Network can help you stay at the forefront of the constantly evolving fitness industry and reach your full potential as a Personal Trainer or Group Fitness Instructor.