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BarreConcept Online Training Course

CECs 12 CECs
Prerequisites Personal TrainerGroup Exercise Instructor
Approval Code 03132FA
Course Type Online
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Core Strength & Stability

Pilates Union

Emma Newham is the founder of Pilates Union and creator of the BarreConcept Method. BarreConcept is the only barre instructor training course to gain international accreditation in Australia - USA - UK and Canada. Having been in the fitness industry for almost 3 decades - Emma brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her comprehensive CEC courses. She is author to 9 published fitness manuals and a range best selling fitness DVD's. Her company - Pilates Union runs internationally accredited online instructor training courses in Pilates - yoga - barre - rebounding - meditation and mindfulness as well as small workshops.