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StickXfit® Foundation Course 3-Day Workshop

CECs 15 CECs
Course Price $649.00
3-Day StickFit Foundation Instructor Course
Prerequisites Personal TrainerGym InstructorGroup Exercise Instructor
Approval Code 05157FA
Course Type Face to face
Course Provider

Additional Information

StickFit® Foundation 3-day Workshop Description - The StickFit® Foundation Instructor Course is designed to prepare you to successfully coach our science supported - educationally based - effective and safe StickFit® classes in a variety of venues and diverse participant demographics. The focus is to stimulate and improve cognitive brain function with multi-dimensional - integrated movements and skill patterns - core training and bodyweight exercises - using Filipino rattan sticks from start to finish for this aerobically sustained format. You’ll discover how the Filipino sticks as the “hero tool” creates a distinctively engaging - motivating and unparalleled training environment. The course includes: three days of interactive lectures - master classes - practical program teaching skills - class formatting - a month of four practical sessions with a master trainer after Day 2 - finalizing in evaluation on Day 3. You’ll learn the neuroscience behind the StickFit® concept - its application to program methodology and the various multi-modality components: Filipino Double and Single Stick tactile interactive techniques - StickXblitz® and Conditioning Drills.


StickFit® Foundation 3-day Workshop Description The StickFit® Foundation Course is designed to prepare you to successfully coach our science supported - educationally based - effective and safe StickFit® classes in a variety of venues and diverse participant demographics. The focus is to stimulate and improve cognitive brain function with multi-dimensional - integrated movements and skill patterns - core training and bodyweight exercises - using Filipino rattan sticks from start to finish for this aerobically sustained format. You’ll discover how the Filipino sticks as the “hero tool” creates a distinctively engaging - motivating and unparalleled training environment. The course includes: three days of interactive lectures - master classes - practical program teaching skills - class formatting - a month of four practical sessions with a master trainer after Day 2 - finalizing in evaluation on Day 3. You’ll learn the neuroscience behind the StickFit® concept - its application to program methodology and the various multi-modality components: Filipino Double and Single Stick tactile interactive techniques - StickBlitz® and Conditioning Drills.