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Prerequisites Personal Trainer
Approval Code 08148AA
Course Type F2F
Course Provider
Delivery Knowledge & Skills (DKS)
  • Activity / Training Technique Functional Training
  • Activity / Training Technique Skill & Motor Development

Additional Information

The one full day Sticks Fundamentals Course is a fantastic innovative way for Personal Trainers (PTs) to train clients or small groups. Our unique Stick Partner Drills & “StickBlitz™ - Filipino Fight Flow” combinations are an inspired Martial Arts workout all with sticks. It creates a point of difference for progressive PT’s that want a unique way of training, along with another revenue stream. This course will cover the “22 Stick Fundamentals” that we have created, required for correct technique and understanding, detailing about the material of the sticks, various grip applications, footwork, and stability. The importance of optimum body mechanics of the diagonal strikes and the correct angles for economy of movement will be covered in detail. Our very own unique tactile interaction with partner drills will be practiced while also understanding keeping a correct and safe distance for partner participation. The Sticks Fundamentals Course will provide full accreditation for a successful Personal Trainers on the day to be able to teach official StickFit® programs and workshops to their clients. It will also give you a greater insight and advantage, along with shortening the time frame for our Foundation Instructor 3-day Course for Group Fitness Instructors.
This unique program was developed by renowned International Filipino Grandmaster Andy Elliott - StickFit® Founder and Linda Shelton, recognised as one of the world's leading educators and pioneer in the fitness industry. It has huge evidence-based Cognitive Benefits, along with overall fitness connecting both the mind and body!


StickFit® Foundation 3-day Workshop Description The StickFit® Foundation Course is designed to prepare you to successfully coach our science supported - educationally based - effective and safe StickFit® classes in a variety of venues and diverse participant demographics. The focus is to stimulate and improve cognitive brain function with multi-dimensional - integrated movements and skill patterns - core training and bodyweight exercises - using Filipino rattan sticks from start to finish for this aerobically sustained format. You’ll discover how the Filipino sticks as the “hero tool” creates a distinctively engaging - motivating and unparalleled training environment. The course includes: three days of interactive lectures - master classes - practical program teaching skills - class formatting - a month of four practical sessions with a master trainer after Day 2 - finalizing in evaluation on Day 3. You’ll learn the neuroscience behind the StickFit® concept - its application to program methodology and the various multi-modality components: Filipino Double and Single Stick tactile interactive techniques - StickBlitz® and Conditioning Drills.